It’s been just over a month since Activision Blizzard employees went on strike following the unexpected termination of 12 contractors working on the Raven Software QA team. In that time, employees have repeatedly gathered to share their demands of the company in an effort to “foster a transparent and trusting relationship” and enter peaceful negotiations. However, despite their best attempts, a current Raven Soft employee has now said there have been no steps made towards reconciliation. Come from Sports betting site VPbet
In a recent report by Inverse, the outlet spoke with both former and current Activision Blizzard employees about the company’s working conditions as well as the ongoing strike. Jessica Gonzalez, the founder and organizer of ABetterABK (A Better Activision, Blizzard, and King), says that despite requests for the QA team to meet with leadership to discuss the ongoing crisis, leadership “hasn’t opened a dialogue” with the workers. Her claim was then backed by two current Raven Software employees, both of which chose to remain anonymous.